Risk Advisory Services
Travel Risk Management
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Manda Risk:
ILS in East Africa
Aidex 2024:
ILS Duty of Care
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Training Calendar >>
Booking Form:
3-day Training
Select Course date...
UK Apr 28-30 2025
UK May 12-14 2025
First Name
Last Name
Employer Address
Fee Rate
Select rate
£1250 (+ UK VAT) - Discounted rate for NGOs
£1350 (+ UK VAT) - Standard rate
Job Title
Participant Email Address
Participant Mobile Phone Number
Invoice / Billing Email Address
Please provide a valid business billing email address, your booking may be queried if you have not provided this. Please note that invoices are due within 14 days.
PO Number
(if applicable)
VAT Number
(if applicable)
Do you require any extra nights accommodation?
Please indicate in the checkboxes below. Please note that any extra nights' accommodation is in addition to the course fee and is invoiced at £115+VAT per person, per night for Bed and Breakfast. Please note that extra accommodation is not guaranteed and is subject to availability at the venue.
1 Extra night before Day 1 of the course
1 Extra night after Day 3 of the course
Dietary requirements?
Are there any other issues of concern that the training team should be aware of relating to your attendance?
Medical insurance details
(if applicable)
How did you hear about this course?
Select from the following...
Internet search engine
Recommendation from a friend or colleague
ILS email newsletter
Other (please specify below)
If 'other', please specify below
Please note - Cancellation and transfer fees
The following charges will apply
(as % of full course fee):
if a cancellation or transfer occurs more than 29 days before the course.
if a transfer to another course occurs 8 - 28 days before the course.
if a cancellation occurs 8 - 28 days before the course.
if a cancellation occurs 7 days or less before the course.
transfers are not permissible 7 days or less before the course.
Clicking the checkbox below means you have read and accept the full training services terms and conditions found
Accept Terms & Conditions
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